Sunday, November 3, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013


I'm not an asshole, it's just my job.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Man.

Dear Mr. Police Officer, 
Get out of the fucking fast lane if you are going the speed limit.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Note to Fall

Dear Fall,
Enough already with your fucking pumpkin spice whatever, hipster dads who go apple picking instead of watching football, and your heirloom pumpkins that look like the are covered with genital warts!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Universal Balance

Yesterday ....I was the kind of asshole who knowingly ripped open a magazine that didn't belong to me and then fixed a nice cup of tea. 

Today.... I will balance out yesterday's transgression by allowing one car to merge into my lane when they clearly knew the lane ended 500 feet ago.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Today's Triumvirate

The perfection of three … or so it’s said, that when things go in groups of three it is a fortuitous event or occurrence. OK, I offer you my triumvirate

1.      Parenting a young adult with Asperger

2.     Navigating marriage

3.     Menopause

Good. Times.

That last snarky-toned remark really isn’t very fair because honestly none of the three listed are anywhere near as dramatic as I make them out to be during my internal dialogues. However, they all represent why my sometimes laughter of late comes out a bit strained or slightly off the rails.

Updates, hopefully based in reality, & further insights will be forthcoming…

Interesting POV Side Note: Maybe the three as fortuitous event or occurrence is completely fictional made up by someone who is trying to convince themselves that their three whatevers don't completely suck.